Monday, October 10, 2016

What Happened to the October 10th Post?

October Challenge Day 10:

I did not have a chance to review a film for this day because life happened, wonderful happy life.

Started the day hanging with the family, wandering through beautiful trees - immersing myself in the sounds, colors, and crispness of Autumn.

Then went to visit the EMP Museum with friends, checking out the new Start Trek exhibit and of course, The Lure Of the Horror Film exhibit!

Following that was watching some football with friends, chatting on the porch and eating delicious pork sliders.

Made it home from there with 25 minutes to spare to catch the second political debate. My brother Matt stopped by with pizza and we all watched the madness with marinara sauce on our chins.

Afterwards I walked down the street to visit with some of my best ladies, huddled together on the living room floor, laughing and talking together over glasses of wine.

It was, in fact, one of those perfect days I'll always remember, and there was simply no time for a horror movie.

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